Plants of the day with some ancient pearls

Plants of the day with some ancient pearls.
I gather the elements,
the rest will happen later.

May 14, 2011

"Audaces fortuna iuvat"

Cardaria draba / White top, Hoary cres
Urda vacii (Cow cheese)
Family: Brassicaceae

Aesculum hippocastanum / Horse chestnut
F: Hippocastanaceae

Viburnum opulus / Snowball tree
Boule de neige, Chalin
Family: Adoxaceae

Iris germanica / Iris
Sthnjenel, Iris
Family: Iridaceae

Fragaria grandiflora / Strawberry
Family: Rosaceae

Shy strawberry
Capshun sfios

Tulipa gesneriana / Tulip
Family: Liliaceae


Peonis officinalis / Peonies
Family: Peoniaceae
Single flower Aesculus hippocastanum 
Veronica chamedris / Germander Speedwell, Bird's-eye Speedwell
Shopharlitze (Little lizard) , Stejharel (Little oak)
Family: Plantaginaceae

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